Tuesday, May 1, 2012


How do snails do not throw much different from the traditional way rolls. Only thing special materials will necessarily somewhat and the presence of snails.

Was the most delicious stuffed snails, snails as big toe, flesh aromatic, crisp, fleshy fleshy. Comments a bit to not buy the wrong housewife with a yellow snail to snail, shell etc but irregular, yellowish color, spiraling concave, very thin, the shell mouth or damaged shells. Bulging was very difficult to buy so many housewives flexibility also replaced with stone buildings, albeit a little screw ... take the jump because small snails, but snails taste is not lost.

Quick Muoc clean buildings housing people often soaked with water wash the rice, add some sliced ??peppers to release all residual property. Building the pot boil until cooked to medium, then turn off the stove. Pour the cooked snails and wait out less heat then start building jumps. Note only get headers and then chopped, white-fleshed medium, then mixed with bacon puree only, pepper, sausage live, black mushrooms, onions, carrots states only.

Raw materials make up special flavor that leaves guise of building paper, the backbone. Rinse, then chopped and mixed with the mixture. It is also possible to mix the egg yolk of rolls, just to reduce the blades of the screws, just to stick the ingredients together.

Rice paper rolls cut in half for small building with two fingers, but still easy to just pack your mouth. Spread rice out trays, for people and his hands are browning. Liquid hand wrapped rolls to not break the fast nine. Cumbersome paper gold is quick to drain grease trap. Showing some guise leaf disk then screws up the paper presentation. Embellished gates to enjoy the paper more attractive buildings.

Nem snails to eat hot right now. Sauce can be used with traditional paper but more interesting if combined with building paper or chili mayonnaise.Nem snails can eat with rice noodles with vegetables, can also eat "play" to enjoy the tongue of the bacon fat only, the sound of live pork, the spicy aroma of the leaves guise, spine and pepper.
It is particularly attractive in the spring rolls are a combination of building materials with rustic flavor "is West" - mayonnaise. The idea will be fed up, so that things that are very eat this sauce with the rolls enter buildings. Scan paper to disk mayonnaise snails, biting pieces to hear oral cartilage loss in the building star rolls so crispy!

Strange taste sensation than a flavor of traditional paper countryside from buildings. Leisurely piece of paper buildings, the childhood memories suddenly rushing back ...

Bulging 500 gr
Tofu 2 pieces
Carrots 100 gr
Cucumber 100 gr
Noodles 250 grams
Thin rice paper 20-30 pieces
Wedge nuts, edible oils Litle
Lettuce, perilla, hung, hood. 500 grams


- Soak the salt to the empty housing in the locked you. Use dark acute intestinal infectious snails, salt water rinse again. Drain, cut into 3 screws. 

- Vegetables and shiso, nose, salads and washed. 

- Carrots, peeled cucumber, cut yarn. 

- Tofu and fried golden, crispy, cut rectangle. 

- North pan on the stove, non-aromatic onions, stir fry for snail hunting season to taste and little shiso leaves cut fibers. 

- Bun cut short, length equal to the length of the pie page. 

- Spread out rice paper, in turn presented salad vegetables, noodles, tofu, fried snails, herbs, perilla, roof rolled back. Grading Sweet and sour sauce.

Good luck !!! 


Frozen meat dish traditionally is familiar, characteristic of the North in the days of winter. Frozen meat to eat cold, cold, delicious served with rice and hot new man will feel cool on the tongue.

Stages of processing this delicious dish is relatively complex, sophisticated. Ingredients include pork meat before, lean meats, poultry (chicken breast), pepper, seaweed powder, fish sauce, pepper, salt, wedge nuts, and mushroom. And is indispensable pigskin. Pig skin that affects the toughness of the winter frost. Depending on which to taste the meat of pig skin.


Pork and pork skin scrape, drain. Lean meat chicken rinse and drain. Let the water boil, then pork, skin deo, lean chicken to simmer fire pit, picked clean spoon foam floating on the surface of the meat pan to frost in winter and more aromatic. When meat is cooked, the fish out to dry, keep the broth to make gravy.

Pork meat and pork to cool the skin and bring sliced ??pomegranate seeds, chicken pomegranate seeds can also be cut or tear the fibers. Brief broth through a sieve to remove water. For seaweed powder soluble in water used for cooking, seasoning spices, salt, wedge nuts, pepper, fish sauce to taste. Sliced ??black mushrooms, stir-fry cooked with spices, pepper for charming.


Pour a layer of seaweed into thin molds, stacking alternating shoulder pork, chicken, leather, wood ear mold until full. Then let the meat cool and refrigerate. Preference can add carrots, peas and frozen meat to be eye-catching colors.
When turning the food will mold to the disc, the bottom layer of seaweed becomes the mold surface. Frozen meat used to taste better than cold. Frozen meat can be served with sour pickles. Frozen meat is pinkish color, soft meat, fat, have a distinct aroma of meat, pepper, crunchy wood ear cartilage loss, adding the man's cool seaweed (frozen dew) will bring in the feel- cold winter day.
Besides cooking frozen pork, people can cook other meats such as meat swan, duck, chicken ... and the processing is similar to pork.


- 1 pork leg about 1.3 to 1.5 kg. Scraped clean, flaming, beat out the nail keratin, washed, and then split along the foot rolls snake skin and the meat, cut into small pieces around your fingers, remove the bone (small tip is that people make available on request , very clean for you just carry on) 

- 300g pork skin, slice long fingers (you can mix it right ear sliced ??pork on). Mix this with the skin and ear skin of the sausage meat, mix marinade: 2 tsp salt + ½ teaspoon pepper, to over 40 minutes. Let the meat mixture into a pot just skin. 

- Wood ear: 100g 

- Dried mushroom: 100g


- Prepare a warm water before boiling, boiling cauldron filling flooded the meat cook for about 5 cm to boil, lower heat to simmer down slightly, and rails used repeatedly picked foam until the foam no longer up again. Cook until tender pork skin snapping, watching the water when cooking, if you see little need to take more boiling water when cooking done and meat is equally unsatisfactory. 


- Soak wood ear mushrooms for baking, cut wood ear half knuckles, chopped mushrooms, stir through two general things taste, both oral and mix vs. meat and water. 

- Depending on which use more or less bowl or cup, sprinkle the bottom of bowls, less destructive, scoop flesh mixture, fill the magnet into bowls, allow to cool, the mixture will freeze. Use a thin nylon bowl tightly close the meat into the refrigerator. 

- When eating, take out, press lightly with your hands evenly on the surface of meat, snake meat will block out, turning the disc, just the delicious and beautiful trays. Parents and grandparents will feel the heart of the fragrance workshop for their children during the warm days of this festival. 


Optional hot cooked meal of pure fish sauce with lemon pepper, pickled cucumber improvement, kimchi ... or snack.


Soft cooked or frozen meat or frozen is because the skin used more or less, if the skin to increase, frozen meat will be very hard. 

Wish you success with meat dishes were little!