
Friday, May 4, 2012


Nowadays, more and more people want to learn how to cook, because it is a survival ability and an art. So, the online recipes  become essential for them. In China, Leek Fried eggs can be described as  the most popular dish, cheap enough, and it helps digestion. If you are lazy, no worries about it is hard to learn and complicated. It is very easy to learn. Ingredients and processes will be shown blow.


20 g of salad oil
 1 g of chicken powder
 2 g of salt
 45 g of vegetable oil
some leeks and eggs



The leeks should be washed.

cut the washed leeks to sections.

Eggs shoud be peeled into the pot, put a small amount of water, edible salt, mix well.

Pan into the oil pan, add stir the egg fluid. Slowly burning, blistering after mixing with a shovel.

Stir eggs into the dish.

then just fry leeks and heated oil in pan.

the leeks can be added some salt, then put into fried eggs, fry, and add chicken powder.

yummy leek fried eggs has finished.

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